Not a lot have been going on this few weeks. Sometimes I am busy with the duties in the conty, and at other times, time just seem to stand still. Things are slowing down these few days, as the FINAL exam emerges from the midst of the end of the semester. I know.. I should be studying, but as all students give the same excuse "The mood to study is not there yet"... Well, I too wanna use the same lame excuse... but seriously, I am not that in the mood lately.. Or maybe it's just today.. since I had rather a sleepless night last night. I'm just a bit tired, but I'm holding on there.
Lately there are these two cats roaming around my house. One is ginger and ruffled, lets call it "Ruffles" and the other is black and white and very adoring, let call it "Manja". I noticed Ruffles first, all shabby and distant. There was something in those mysterious eyes that got me captivated and wanting to know more about it. But, like I mentioned, it kept it's distance away from me, but from time to time, it keep creeping near, and then fled away again. It looks hurt, or maybe shy or just confused. I tried to coax it near, but somehow, the act seems useless as I did not get any reaction and left hoping for something more...
Then there is Manja. Cuddly and fun, Manja seems to edge in near and near as Ruffles fades into the background. Manja is very playful and seems to always be there to entertain and keep me company. In short, Manja is fun to be with and makes me smile. I seem to be spending more and more time with Manja, loving the company, and I see less and less of Ruffles.
I don't know how describe it, but sometimes when I am playing with Manja, I think of Ruffles. I sometimes see Ruffles in the corner of my eyes, when Manja is near. I don't know, just that the occasional 'meow' from Ruffles could get me leaping in joy. It's just that, even how distant Ruffles seems to be with me, it seems quite friendly with the other kids. Maybe it's just me, but then again, maybe Ruffles just like to play hide and seek in the shadows.