Well, what do you know... I'm 24 today.. WOW!!! That's like almost quarter of a century, a two-plus decade... Man, I'm OLD!
For those who do not know a bit of fact, I share my birthday with a few other people, well technically a few hundred thousand... but you can't expect me to know ALL of them do you? Anyway, those who I do KNOW are two of my cousins and Lucas Grabeel, you know from HSM (High School Musical), the Disney teen movie production that went box office this summer of 2008. If you are wondering, yes, we were born on the same date, in the same year. So technically, we kinda celebrate this day together too.. although he is in the States and has still more than 8 hours to go to reach this very date.. but whose counting.
Right now, it's 02:35 in the morning, my eyelids are slowly closing the available gap for light and images to enter my eyes and reflect on my retina before it can be deciphered by my brain to be intepreted as a visual information and to get my reaction to the intepreted situation. And these processes all take about few micro, no.. nano seconds?! Those who are more verse in this field can enlighten me on this fact please... Coz my brain is slowly decresing its working rate.
Well, I don't feel that sleepy yet, though all my bodily functions are shutting down slowly one by one.. So I have to make this quick... I spent the first hour of my 24th year of life watching one of my favourite programs, Criminal Minds. Why do I like this show so much? I do not have the exact answer, but I would guess it has something to do with being able to read or see through the criminal and victim's mind at the time the crime was committed, trying to figure out their next move, what causes the that particular person to commit an act. It's the whole psychology, victimology and behavioural thingies that gets me going. The only thing about these shows are that most of them are solved within the hour long episode, whereas the actual time taken is far longer, maybe even years. This fact is totally true, even stated in the book written by an FBI agent who was one of the pioneers in initiating the agency under the FBI in studying these criminal acts from the psychological perspective. His name is John Douglas, and the book is really good. It gave me some if not a lot of insight on how to read a situation and convey it into much important information in order to solve a case.
Now, I may not be a police officer (though I did dream to become one, but my height limits me from certain professions), it's interest me a lot to know what goes on in other people's minds, though I do not understand my own that much either... I guess it's an assurance for me to know that I'm not weird to be doing crazy stuff, because there are others like me... HEHEHE...
Saya sembelit!
8 years ago
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